Halloween 2012

Red and Purple for Halloween
My New Do

Halloween 2012
Dan as Kermit, Dennis as Skeleton, and I’m Strawberry Shortcake

Ever since I saw Run Lola Run, I wanted to dye my hair a very bright red. Unfortunately, I always have had office desk jobs which disallow “unnatural” colors of hair. Now that I work from home, and with no imminent travel for work in the future, I had the freedom to express myself. Yay!

I decided I would dress up as Strawberry Shortcake, so I had a fantastic reason to go red! When I was in the salon, my stylist asked me if I wanted to try purple underneath, so I thought, “What the heck!”.

I thought it looked awesome, but unfortunately the purple quickly bled all over my red. So, the next time I went in, I got Red all over. I’m not sure why the darker color does that…but I had purple dye on all my shirts. Oh well!

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