Snowshoe Hike – Herman Gulch Trail Head

Citadel to Pettingell
Erin and I met at oh-dark-thirty at the Herman Gulch Trail Head. We were planning to snowshoe up to the basin below Citadel and Pettingell. It’s a nice aerobic snowshoe, up a steep gulch, with fabulous views of the mountains. We had a lovely time romping up the trail; happy that we didn’t need the snowshoes until the last hour or so of our hike. We ate lunch at a rocky outcropping which was nicely sheltered from the wind.

The hike was great, but I found out a week later that I left my very expensive red OR mountaineering mittens on a post outside of the bathroom. By the time I realized I lost them, it was undoubtedly too late to recover them.

In tears, I took a trip to REI. The poor guy working in the glove/mitten section had to discern what I was asking for, through my sobs and intermittent blowing of the nose.

Herman Gulch Trailhead
The Trail Head Signage

My Herman Gulch Guide
Erin Ready for a Hike!

View Westward from Herman Gulch
View Westward as we ascended the gulch.

Agressive Little Birdie
Aggressive Little Birdie

Herman Gulch Birdie
Another One Lingers in the Trees!

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