Historical Walking Tour – Free!
Bruges is beautiful. The medieval architecture is enchanting. The chocolate and beer are phenomenal. And, the hand crafted lace is stunning. We took a little walking tour of the city and then we spent the rest of the day exploring. The weather was perfect and we got some very nice pictures. Enjoy!
Walking to the city proper was easy from the train station. Here we are passing through the Koning Albert I Park.
Making our way to the city center.
The Schrijverke Restaurant…time for lunch!
Lamb lasagna, Fries, and Steak. Delicious food for a brisk spring walk-about.
St. Michael Rooftop Adornment. Many of the buildings around Bruges had these beautiful, gilded finials.
An example of the beautiful lace work!
At Rococo, we got a lace work demonstration. Neato!
In action, the weaving happens very fast. It was dizzying to watch this lady as she deftly maneuvered the bobbins.
From the Convent to the medieval Red Light District…
Dennis in the red light district.
The other half of our beer sample.
Beautiful path to the windmills.
The Bruges Opera House. The Belgians love to have modern buildings mixed in with ancient ones…Here’s a prime example of their modern style.
We had to leave Bruges early because the train workers were going to go on a strike that night. So, we didn’t get a chance to see what the town was like at night. We got one of the last trains back to Brussels and enjoyed a hearty dinner at our flat.
Tags: Around the World, Belgium, Bruges, Duvelorium, Lace, Needlework, Walking Tour