Ice Climbing – Hidden Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park

Alpenglow from Hidden Falls
Alpenglow in RMNP

Clare Ice Climbing at Hidden Falls
Ice Climbing at Hidden Falls

I volunteered to be an assistant instructor with the Boulder CMC Ice Climbing class. We took a trip up to Rocky Mountain National Park and hiked into the Hidden Falls area.

Brad Belaying
Brad belaying!
I ran into an old friend of my friend Barry, a guy named Brad who was part of the Eldo crew back in the day. Brad was really fun to chat with and we really hit it off, reminiscing and sharing fun times.

It was the most crowded I’ve ever seen it and the frozen falls were much smaller than they had been in previous years. Everybody took turns climbing and then after a few hours we called it a day.

Steven Ice Climbing at Hidden Falls
Steven’s first climb!

Kate Ice Climbing
Kate Ice Climbing!

Go Broncos!
Go Broncos! They were playing, so I thought this would bring them good luck. Unfortunately, it didn’t…

Kent Belaying
Fun times hanging out with Kent.

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