I volunteered to be an assistant instructor with the Boulder CMC Ice Climbing class. We took a trip up to Rocky Mountain National Park and hiked into the Hidden Falls area.
Archive for the ‘Ice Climbing’ Category
Ice Climbing – Hidden Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park
Sunday, January 11th, 2015Ice Climbing – Hidden Falls, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Saturday, March 29th, 2014
Hidden Falls are not so hidden!
Clare, Slava, Mark, and Doug at Hidden Falls
On Saturday, I went ice climbing with Slava, Mark, and Doug at Hidden Falls in Rocky Mountain National Park. From the trail head, it takes about 30 minutes to get to the falls. The forested trail was well tracked and we didn’t need snowshoes. The weather looked superb, so I was psyched to climb.
Ice Climbing – Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO
Sunday, March 9th, 2014
On Sunday, I went ice climbing with Doug, Rick, and Slava. It was a gorgeous day at Loch Vale, in Rocky Mountain National Park. We were treated to perfect ice climbing conditions. It was my third ice climbing trip and, by far, the most fun!
In the ice cave!
Photo Courtesy: Rick Casey
Loch Vale has a nice 30-40 minute approach and a variety of moderate climbs. My favorite thing about Loch Vale was the naturally formed ice cave, which sheltered us from the wind.
Climbergirl on Ice!
Photo Courtesy: Rick Casey
We climbed there for about 4 hours. When everybody had a good forearm pump, we called it a day.
Ice Climbing – Ouray Ice Park, CO (Day 3)
Saturday, February 1st, 2014
Becca, Shannon, Erin, Hannah, and Clare after a great day of slicing ice at Ouray.
Climbergirl at Ouray Ice Park (Thanks to Jay for taking this rad picture!)
On Friday, when we got to Ouray Ice Park, all the routes with bolted anchors were taken.
So, in order to secure a couple bolted anchor climbs, we arrived before sun-up. At 6:30am, the place was totally pitch black. We hiked to the School Room crag, by headlamp. We were the first party, so we had our choice of routes. Oh goody!
We picked route #9 (Report Card WI3) and route #10 (Teacher’s Pet WI3).
Ice Climbing – Ouray Ice Park, CO (Day 2)
Friday, January 31st, 2014
Erin, Becca, Hannah, and Shannon ready for ice climbing!
Becca Topping Out at a Climb in New Funtier
Erin stays warm belaying by using “The Wizard technique” aka draping a sleeping bag around oneself. I’m really happy I brought my Cat’s Meow Bag, it came in handy!
For the first day at Ouray Ice Park, we are treated to a blizzard. We drive to the trailhead in wintry conditions. The entire day turns into one huge adventure!
When we get to the entrance of the main area, we strap on our crampons. A few of the girls have troubles getting theirs secured on their boots, so we need to make some adjustments later on in the day. I’m happy we are able to figure it out eventually…climbing with loose crampons is nearly impossible!
Walking into the school room area, all of the easy, bolted top ropes are already taken which means we are forced to go to another area. Since it is my first time there AND we are walking around in a blizzard, I’m completely disoriented. I’m nervous about finding a place we can climb safely. As we trudge through at least a foot of fresh powder, my excitement diminishes. In the flat lighting of the blizzard, it is difficult to judge distances, which complicates things greatly. (more…)