Byron, Clare, Jill, Kim, and Fred at the trailhead. Erin is taking the picture!

Byron and Erin Scouting Miss Piggy

Colored in USGS Map, with the Hogs
After such a thrilling time on Leprechaun, I wondered how our trip could have any more adventure. Opting to do the Hogs for day 2 was the answer! It was just one notch up on the excitement scale, while still being a very nice moderate canyon.

Dennis decided to mountain bike at Tantalus Flats, so it was down to the 6 of us.
Thanks to Byron for driving us to the trail head in his super awesome pick em up 4wd truck! I was happy we were in such capable hands. The road wasn’t that bad, but 4wd with high clearance was definitely necessary as there were some very deep ruts in sections.