Archive for February, 2012

Cross Country Skiing – Antelope Ridge Near Eldora, CO

Saturday, February 18th, 2012

Antelope Ridge Skiers

After the kerfoffle last weekend, I decided to invest in some very sturdy and sleek Alpine Skis. So, this weekend, on Rick’s trip up Antelope Ridge, I was bound to succeed. Well, I did succeed in HAVING A BLAST!!!

Cross Country Skiing – Mitchell Lake, CO

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

CMC Cross Country Skiers on Mitchell Lake
I rented some alpine cross country skis from Neptune Mountaineering in Boulder. I had been wanting to ski some mellow trails outside of the groomed perfection of a nordic center, so when I found out about Eileen’s trip to Brainard Lake area, I signed up! (more…)

Cross Country Skiing at Snow Mountain Ranch, CO

Sunday, February 5th, 2012

Dee and Clare Enjoying the White Stuff

Dee Skiing Blue Ridge Trail

Dee Enjoying the View on Blue Ridge Trail

Having Fun at Snow Mountain Ranch

On February 5th, Dee and I went Cross Country skiing at YMCA of the Rockies, Snow Mountain Ranch. It was a lovely day, but a bit on the windy side. We skied for 3 hours and then headed home. It was a lovely day out and I really enjoyed Dee’s company. Fabulous times!