Archive for April, 2010

Running – Horsetooth Half Marathon

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

Clare & Jenny Finish Line of Horsetooth Half 2010

On Sunday, Jenny & I ran the Horsetooth Half Marathon in Fort Collins, CO. It was foggy in the morning, but the fog lifted just before the race. We were blessed with perfect running weather, sunny and cool with no wind.

I ran the race in 1:49:00 (8:19 minutes per mile pace); which was good enough for 15th place out of 141 gals in my age group.

Jenny Sprinting To Finish the Horsetooth Half Marathon
Jenny sprinted to the finish about 10 minutes after I was done. I just barely had enough time to get the camera (we had hidden it the night before). As I was walking to an open spot amongst the crowds, I saw a pink skirt and a blonde pony tail…It was Jenny! I ran like a maniac through the crowd and managed to capture these pictures. Classic!
Jenny After Finishing Horsetooth Half Marathon

She scored 17th place out of 107 gals in her age group, with a pace just under 9 minutes per mile. RIGHT ON, JENNY! (more…)

We are DINKS Again

Friday, April 9th, 2010

After 8 months of pseudo-parenting, the job came to an end. More abrubtly than it started. We had 5 days notice of the onset, but only 48 hours for the conclusion. Irreconcilable Differences. C’est La Vie.

Emma flew back to CA on Friday night. She cheerfully walked through security, with older sister, Meera, lagging behind. We waved goodbye and shouted, “We love you. You will be missed. Work hard and behave.”

Colorado Rapids Opening Game – Dennis Birthday Kickoff!

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

Clare, Emma, and Dennis at Dick's Sporting Goods Park
On Saturday, to celebrate Dennis’ Birthday, we went to the Colorado Rapids Opening Home Game, against the Chicago Fire. It was our first soccer game, and we were excited. We got tickets and found our seats. The stadium was about 3/4 full, and I think it was due to the chilly windy weather. (more…)