Archive for May, 2008

My Birthday Eve

Saturday, May 31st, 2008

May 31st, the Eve of my 30th birthday, Dennis & I drove up to Ft. Collins. We got a room at the Hilton, and it was surprisingly affordable, for a hotel of that calliber. The lobby inside is fantastic, a huge open space with fountains & the ubiquitous starbucks café.

Apparently, there was a big car show in one of the neighboring townships as the parking lot was full of old remodelled cars. In fact, one whole side of the parking lot was cordoned off, so we walked & gawked.

My favorite was the 1930s gangster style get-away car. I imagined riding the running boards in a trench coat, fedora, and wielding a large gun. His favorite was an old jeep with a flatbed in the back. It was just such a unique truck…too bad I left the camera in the room!

For dinner, by Ann’s referral, we went to the Rustic Oven downtown. We had spinach artichoke dip, and had a wonderful meal. I had a Sangria, which made me tipsy. We shared dessert (of course, it was my birthday the next day!) a strawberry rhubarb pastry with creme fresh. After dinner, we walked around a bit and then headed back to the hotel to watch a beautiful sunset.

I dreamt of cracks & chimneys…a happy birthday dream!

Vedauwoo, WY – Day 3 Jurassic Park

Sunday, May 25th, 2008

Finally, we get a day to climb! The Vedauwoo gods smiled upon us. So, we set off for Jurassic Park wall.
Jurassic Park
The Explosion of Dylan & Ann's Backpacks

On the way, we spotted a pair of dinosaurs…
Doug Onsights "Dip Kiss" 5.2QT2B True…oh wait, nevermind, they’re climbers! (more…)

Vedauwoo, WY – Memorial Weekend Day 2

Saturday, May 24th, 2008

Dylan Midstride Doug, Sean, and Liz Share a Laugh Ann: Leader of the Pack Clare Laughing at the Heap Mark & Kevin Navigate Aspens

On Saturday morning, I woke up with a layer of sleet over my tent. It was probably a typical night at Vedauwoo, but it was a little scary for me. Alone, in the tent, with very gusty wind, and the sound of sleet on the tent walls. A few times, I woke up feeling the tent being pulled upward. I swear, I saw the wicked witch of the west peddle by my pad! (more…)

Vedauwoo, WY – Memorial Weekend

Friday, May 23rd, 2008

Gusty Vedauwoo Camping

On Friday, I left work at 2pm, eager to get out of town for the weekend. Unfortunately, so was the rest of Denver! Travel was hampered by several Road Construction Projects along Hwy 25 (and the biways of Longmount). It took me nearly 3 hours to reach Ft. Collins, twice the normal time.

Vedauwoo Splendor

I was relieved at the sight of Dylan, all loaded up in the camper and ready to go. I was frazzled from the drive, but the thought of joining Ann & Sean up in Vedauwoo soon made me forget my troubles. Dylan helped me unload my camping & climbing gear into the camper, and we battened the hatches for the drive. (more…)

Gardening All Day

Sunday, May 18th, 2008

On Sunday, I spent 7 hours gardening. It was a fantastic workout. My back and forearms are fatigued from digging. The following pictures show the results of my efforts (with exception of the 1 XL pot-the picture was blurry)…

Custom Hanging Baskets Back Yard Garden

I planted two hanging containers, 4 M pots, 2 L pots, 1 XL pot, and one 2XL pot (The Big Brown pot above, holds a 25 pound sack of dirt!).

I spent almost two hours at the Denver Nursery, checking out options and weighing alternatives. In the end I decided on planting the following: 3 pepper plants, 3 tomato plants, 1 french lavendar, 4 sage plants, 2 six packs of petunias, 2 six packs of assorted annuals, 6 small containers of ivy, 2 large geraniums, and 4 large annuals (white flowered things).

While working in the front yard, I met my neighbor, Clara. A fellow gardener (although decidedly NOT amatuer!). She was kind enough to give me a lily bush, which was left over from a recent project of hers. I planted it in the front of the picket fence, in a blank spot. How wonderful the front yard is looking, now that spring has sprung! Flowers are popping up everywhere, it’s crazy.