Archive for the ‘Cross Country Skiing’ Category

Cross Country Skiing – Brainard Lake Wooden Ski Day

Saturday, February 28th, 2015

Wooden Ski Day at CMC Cabin
Wooden Ski Day at Brainard Lake CMC Cabin

South CMC Trail
Beautiful Single Track, the South CMC Trail!

John, Brigida, Robert, Carrie, and I skied the CMC South Trail to the CMC Brainard Lake cabin, in honor of Wooden Ski Days. Carrie actually borrowed her wooden skis from Gary Neptune, for the full experience. We arrived about 30 minutes late for the big group picture, so we just took our own!

Here is a map of the Brainard Lake Ski trail system.


Cross Country Skiing – YMCA of the Rockies, Snow Mountain Ranch

Friday, February 27th, 2015

Selfie at Snow Mountain Ranch
Snow Mountain Ranch makes me smile!

Dennis Ready to Ride Winter Park
Dennis at Winter Park

I dropped Dennis off at Winter Park resort and then I went Cross Country skiing at YMCA of the Rockies, Snow Mountain Ranch. It was a fantastic day for skiing. I used mostly green wax with a tiny bit of blue extra.


Cross Country Skiing – Snow Mountain Ranch, YMCA of the Rockies

Saturday, January 25th, 2014

Climbergirl Skiing Snow Mountain Ranch
On Saturday, Dennis and I drove up to Winter Park for an awesome bluebird day!

We went to Rise and Shine bakery to start the day out right with a hearty breakfast. We were pleasantly surprised to see the place has expanded and, even better, we were seated at a warm table in the back. It used to be really cramped and cold no matter where you got seated! The food was as good as ever and we left there with smiles and full bellies.

Dennis at Winter Park
It’s time to Ride/Ski! I dropped Dennis off at the Winter Park ski resort and then head over to Snow Mountain Ranch.


Cross Country Skiing – Antelope Ridge Near Eldora, CO

Saturday, February 18th, 2012

Antelope Ridge Skiers

After the kerfoffle last weekend, I decided to invest in some very sturdy and sleek Alpine Skis. So, this weekend, on Rick’s trip up Antelope Ridge, I was bound to succeed. Well, I did succeed in HAVING A BLAST!!!

Cross Country Skiing – Mitchell Lake, CO

Saturday, February 11th, 2012

CMC Cross Country Skiers on Mitchell Lake
I rented some alpine cross country skis from Neptune Mountaineering in Boulder. I had been wanting to ski some mellow trails outside of the groomed perfection of a nordic center, so when I found out about Eileen’s trip to Brainard Lake area, I signed up! (more…)