On Saturday, Dennis & I met with the Denver Rock Climbing Meetup group to climb at Turkey Rocks. We carpooled with Ryan & Eckhard up to the crag. Turkey Rocks is a bit obscure in terms of location, finding the last turnoff was a bit challenging. We ended up turning around several times, and scratching our heads in contemplation.

When we got to the pullout, there were a few cars there. We hiked about 15 minutes over a ridge, and then descended to the crag. There was a huge contingent of people there. Eckhard, Chris, & I scrambled up to the top and got to setting up some Top Ropes for people to climb.

We had a great day climbing, but there were lots of people, so given a choice, I would have preferred another location. I think Turkey Perch is good if there is a smaller group, and if I’m not looking to get in a ton of climbing. The rock is sharp & solid, so the cracks are very enjoyable.
I climbed the following pitches: Left Handed Jew (5.8), Honky Jam Ass Crack (5.7), Steppenwolf (5.9), and Gobble Up (5.8). I did not bring my camera, so these pictures are courtesy of other climbers at the event…