Posts Tagged ‘Roger Pass’

Snowshoe Hike – Avalanche Awareness Class – CMC

Saturday, February 26th, 2011

Probe Demonstration
The CMC offers an Avalanche Awareness class, many times over the course of a winter. As I’m fond of snowshoe hiking and cross country, I thought it would be a good idea to partake. So, I joined about 30 CMC members for an all day session near Rogers Pass, CO. I carpoolled with Robert, who was nice enough to drive his Jeep piled full of people & gear to the Trail Head.

My Group: Connie, Bryan, Adam, Robert, and Karsen (Instructor in Rust Colored Jacket)
Avalanche Awareness Primer
The instruction from Karsen was first rate, he spent a great deal of time with us (more than any other instructor!). I thought he did a great job of explaining the essential details and repetitively reviewing the material. (more…)